Saturday, October 3, 2015

Introduction to Educational Software

Educational software  Introduction
Ubuntu for education
With a wide range of educational software and certified hardware, Ubuntu provides secure, cost-effective, accessible computing for students, teachers and school administrators.
What is Edubuntu?
The Edubuntu Project
Edubuntu is a grassroots movement, we aim to get Ubuntu into schools, homes and communities and make it easy for users to install and maintain their systems.
We are students, teachers, parents and hackers who believe that learning and knowledge should be available to everyone who wants to improve themselves and the world around them.
Our Goals
Our aim is to put together a system that contains all the best free software available in education and make it easy to install and maintain.
An Ubuntu Project
The majority of the technical work that the Edubuntu team performs occurs within the Ubuntu project. All the packages we work on are available in the Ubuntu software repositories and the Edubuntu DVD is built from the exact same repositories as the Ubuntu discs and other official derivatives. More about Ubuntu
To learn more about Ubuntu, visit the Ubuntu website and read about it on Wikipedia. Other Free Software in Education Systems
There are other educational systems besides Edubuntu. Some have different goals, we try to collaborate with other systems where possible. There is a list of other education systems on this page.
Good educational software is hard to come by. And with ever-tightening budgets, it only makes sense that many schools are turning to Linux and open source software to save money. Most people have no idea how many outstanding educational applications there are for the Linux operating system. In the following list, you should find at least one application that's just right for your situation
Is a multi-platform mathematics software that gives everyone the chance to experience the  Extraordinary insights that math makes possible
What is GeoGebra
GeoGebra is open source dynamic mathematics software for learning and teaching at all levels. This manual covers the commands and tools of GeoGebra 5.0. Depending on your hardware and preferences, you can currently choose between Download-icons-device-screen.png 5.0 Desktop and the Download-icons-device-tablet.png 5.0 Web and Tablet App, which feature minor differences in terms of use and interface design.
GeoGebra’s User Interface
Views and Perspectives
GeoGebra provides different Views for mathematical objects:
Menu view algebra.svg
Menu view graphics.svg
Menu view spreadsheet.svg
Menu view cas.svg
Perspectives algebra 3Dgraphics.svg
Menu view probability.svg
Each View offers its own Toolbar that contains a selection of Tools and range of Commands as well as Predefined Functions and Operators that allow you to create dynamic constructions with different representations of mathematical objects.
Depending on the mathematics you want to use GeoGebra for, you can select one of the default Perspectives (e.g. Menu view algebra.svg Algebra PerspectivePerspectives geometry.svg Geometry Perspective). EachPerspective displays those Views and other interface components most relevant for the corresponding field of mathematics.
Other Components of the User Interface
You may also customize GeoGebra’s user interface to match your personal needs by changing the default Perspectives and adding other components:

This component is part of GeoGebra user interface.
The Menubar is always situated in the top part of GeoGebra window. For applets it can be switched on and off during export. It contains following menus:

Input Bar and Algebra Input

In GeoGebra Desktop, the Input Bar is by default located in the bottom of GeoGebra window. You can show it or hide it using the Menu-view.svgView Menu or can change it's position within the GeoGebra window.
In the GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps an Algebra Input is integrated directly into the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View. Therefore, the Input Bar is not displayed by default if the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View is part of the GeoGebra window. However, the Input Bar can be shown using the Menu-view.svgView Menu, replacing the Input Field.
Both, the Input Bar and Algebra Input are providing the same functionalities in GeoGebra. However, the Algebra Input additionally features an Equation Editor, which makes it easier for you to enter equations and expressions.
What is the Style Bar
The Style Bar allows you to quickly and easily change a selection of basic properties of Views or objects. In order to open or close the Style Bar, either click on the little arrow next to the name of the corresponding View in GeoGebra Desktop, or click the Style Bar Button in the GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps. Please note that there are still more properties you can change using the Properties Dialog.
Style Bar Options for Views
Each View has it’s own Style Bar options. In GeoGebra Web and Tablet App, depending on the View you select, the Style Bar can be opened by using one of the following Style Bar Buttons, and displays the most useful options to the related View.
GeoGebra offers a Navigation Bar that allows you to navigate through the construction steps of your GeoGebra file.
The Navigation Bar is shown at the bottom of the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View.
To display it: Right click (Mac OS: Ctrl-click) on an empty spot on the drawing pad, then select the option Navigation Bar in the appearing context menu or activate the option Navigation Bar for Construction Steps in the Basic tab of the Menu-options.svg Properties Dialog of the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View.
The Navigation Bar 
The Navigation Bar provides a set of navigation buttons, and displays the number of construction steps (e.g. 2 / 7 means that the second step of a total of 7 construction steps is currently displayed):
  • Navigation Skip Back.png button: go back to step 1
  • Navigation Rewind.png button: go back step by step
  • Navigation Fast Forward.png button: go forward step by step
  • Navigation Skip Forward.png button: go to the last step
  • Animate Play.png Play: automatically play the construction, step by step
Note: You may change the speed of this automatic play feature using the text box to the right of the Animate Play.png Play button.
  • Animate Pause.png Pause: pause the automatic play feature
Note: This button only appears after activating the Play button.
Note: This button only appears if option Button to open construction protocol is enabled.
The Context Menu
The Context Menu provides a quick way to change the behavior or advanced properties of an object. Right click (Mac OS: Ctrl-click) (or long-tap) on an object in order to open its Context Menu. For example, it allows you to change the object’s algebraic notation (e.g. polar or Cartesian coordinates, implicit or explicit equation) and to directly access features like Menu-edit-rename.svg Rename, Menu-edit-delete.svg Delete,Menu-trace-on.svg Trace On and Animation On.
Note: If you open the Context Menu for a point in the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View, it gives you the option Menu-record-to-spreadsheet.svg Record to Spreadsheet (only if the Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet View is opened). Once selected, this feature allows you to record the coordinates of the point in the Menu view spreadsheet.svgSpreadsheet View if it is moved.
Note: Selecting Menu-options.svg Properties in the Context Menu opens the Properties Dialog, where you can change the properties of all objects used.
The Virtual Keyboard
The Virtual Keyboard of the GeoGebra Desktop Version is a semi-transparent keyboard that is displayed on the screen when the corresponding menu item Keyboard in the View Menu is selected.
It contains the standard keyboard characters, as well as the most used mathematical symbols and operators, and can be used with a mouse or other pointing devices.
This makes the Virtual Keyboard particularly useful when using GeoGebra for presentations or with multimedia interactive whiteboards.

GeoGebra’s user interface also provides a variety of dialogs. Different accessibility features as well as keyboard shortcuts allow you to access many features of GeoGebra more conveniently.
Getting Started
If you are new to GeoGebra, you might want to check out our introductory materials that guide you through your first constructions. If you need additional help you might also want to visit our GeoGebra User Forum or check out GeoGebra's YouTube channel.
Hints for Advanced Users
For more notes on Geogebra you can visit wikipedia
stellarium is a three-dimensional map of the stars, typically centered on Earth. They are common fixtures at planetariums, where they illustrate the local deep space out to perhaps 50 light years. Older examples were normally built using small colored balls or lights on support rods (painted black to make them less obvious), but more recent examples use a variety of projection techniques instead. Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go.
  • default catalogue of over 600,000 stars
  • extra catalogues with more than 210 million stars
  • asterisms and illustrations of the constellations
  • constellations for 20+ different cultures
  • images of nebulae (full Messier catalogue)
  • realistic Milky Way
  • very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset
  • the planets and their satellites
  • a powerful zoom
  • time control
  • multilingual interface
  • fisheye projection for planetarium domes
  • spheric mirror projection for your own low-cost dome
  • all new graphical interface and extensive keyboard control
  • telescope control
  • equatorial and azimuthal grids
  • star twinkling
  • shooting stars
  • eclipse simulation
  • supernovae simulation
  • skinnable landscapes, now with spheric panorama projection
  • plugin system adding artifical satellites, ocular simulation, telescope configuration and more
  • ability to add new solar system objects from online resources...
  • add your own deep sky objects, landscapes, constellation images, scripts...

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Thank you for an interesting blog well explained.Its very helpful for me.

educational software for schools